A Guide to Social Media in Norway: Facebook, Twitter, and other sites

If your business is expanding into Norway, utilization of social media is critical for the success of your endeavor. Norway is an extremely modern country that has embraced the technological age with open arms. Over 60% of Norwegians are registered on some sort of social media platform. Young people especially turn to the warm light of computer screens in efforts to connect with one another: and so, with their focus mainly on content absorption rather than content production, there is an open hole in the market for your business to fill.


Facebook is by and large the most popular social media network in Norway. A staggering 75.2% of adult Internet users and 61.1% of the adult population has an existing Facebook account. Compare that to the worldwide average of 16.5%, and you can see how utilizing Facebook for media promotion for your company is essential for success.

Youtube is the third most popular –capturing nearly 30% of Internet users in Norway. Youtube is an excellent platform for advertising whether it be paid ads or original content linking back to your company’s website. Behind YouTube trail Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

Norwegians have embraced social media more than any other European country. However it’s the youth culture that has truly embraced the trend. Two out of three people between the ages of 16 and 24 check a social media outlet daily. Young females are the most common to adapt to newer forms of social media such as Instagram—it saw a 100% increase between Spring 2013 and Fall 2013 reaching an estimated 27% of the female population.


Young people are also using social media to adapt to the ever-changing modern professional world. Youths are looking towards social media to find their next job, meaning your company can find several motivated job candidates utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.

If you’re going to be marketing in Norway you’ll want to invest your time in learning Norwegian. Thankfully, this Germanic language is easy for a native English speaker to learn. If you’ve studied any northern European language, you’ll be happy to see they’re alike in many ways. Try our Norwegian language level test to test your aptitude for the language. If you’re interested in pursuing the Norwegian language further, contact Language Trainers and they’ll help you plan your classes whether you prefer small group or one-on-one lessons.