Travel tips and Mexico Must-Haves: Packing for your Business Trip

If you’re planning a business trip to Mexico, then you’ve come to the right place. Not only do I frequent the country on a regular basis—I have family there—but I also have experience visiting both the more developed “touristy” areas as well as the smaller pueblos. No matter where it is in Mexico I’m headed, whether for business or pleasure, there are always a few essentials that I bring along and a few packing rules I follow that make for una visita divertida y cómoda (a fun and comfortable visit).

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To Pack, or Not to Pack? That is the Question.

Sometimes the key to avoiding travel missteps is knowing what to pack, and what to keep on your person.  Plan on keeping these things, along with anything else you feel is necessary within easy reach.

  • Flight Plans: It’s always best to be prepared for some sort of delay or disappointment when it comes to dealing with airlines (sorry airline employees, but I’ve had some bad luck with you guys in the past). Keep any flight information and confirmation numbers ready for easy reference. Also, you may want to have a list of other flights taking the same route as yours; if your flight gets delayed or cancelled, you’ll be able to act quickly and get a seat on another flight pronto.
  • Passport and Cash: These are two things that should never be left in your luggage; doing so will waste your time and make it an easy target for theft. Be smart and keep it close.
  • Sunglasses: if you’re taking a pair of expensive sunglasses—or even cheap ones you love because they make you look really good—it’s best to wear them during your journey. Even if you plan to travel with only a carry-on luggage, they might still get damaged during all the picking up, putting down, absentminded kicking, and overhead stowing of your bag.

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Travel Essentials and Mexico Must-Haves

Every time I travel—for business, pleasure, or to the grocery store—I have one of those moments where I realize I could have made my life a whole lot easier if I’d just thought ahead and brought along (insert name of object here). Hopefully I can save you from at least a few of those moments. Your clothing will depend on what your itinerary looks like: will you have meetings round the clock, or will you have a lot of down time for exploring the city? But there are a few things that you might find use full no matter the circumstances.

  • English-to-Spanish Dictionary: Technically Spanish was my first language, but over the years I’ve let myself get (extremely) rusty since English is my day-to-day language. Even my husband, who speaks Spanish exclusively with his parents and extended family, often has “¿Cómo se dice…” moments.  If you’re really committed to doing business in Mexico, or any Spanish speaking country, you might want to consider taking language classes.  
  • Mosquito Repellant: I don’t know what it is about me, but I’m irresistible to mosquitos. They love me. Sadly, I can’t return the sentiment. Not only are mosquito bites annoying to deal with, but they will also reinforce your “outsider” status (for some reason locals don’t get bit as much, and in some cases at all). Save yourself from an itchy nightmare and remember to pack repellant if you’ll be travelling to Mexico between May and October when they are at their worst.
  • Antidiarrheal Medication: Hey! Stop chuckling! I’m trying to save you from potentially ruining your trip with the most embarrassing ailment known to man, you should thank me. It’s no secret that trips to Mexico can result in traveler’s diarrhea because of unfamiliar food and unsafe water, yet few people have the foresight to  bring medication just in case. I’m adult enough to admit that even I, who was raised on Mexican food and spent my childhood summers visiting family in Mexico, have succumbed to travel tummy aches a time or two. And believe me, though Mexico has plenty of pharmacies even in the smallest of pueblos, this is definitely one medication for which you won’t want to leave your room. Pack this now and thank me later.

Business trips aren’t vacations, but there’s no reason traveling has to seem like work. If you plan ahead, not only will you avoid common pitfalls, but you might even be able to enjoy yourself a bit. What are your tips for traveling to Mexico on business?

Do you already speak a little Spanish, but want to learn more? Take our Spanish Language Level Test and assess your current level of knowledge, or send us a quick inquiry to see how you can get started.