Online Polish Language
Level Test
Total Tests Taken So Far: 6423.
Average Score: 25/70

Congratulations on deciding to take our Polish Level Test. We designed this test to assess your language ability by measuring your comprehension of Polish grammar and your understanding of various phrases.
Read on if you would like to learn more about how to complete the test and how to interpret and use the results. Alternatively, if you would like to get started, scroll down to question one.
Read more about our language levels.
Test Instructions
Each question comprises a sentence with a missing word or words. Below the incomplete statement are five possible answers, of which only one is correct. Click the answer you think is the right one to complete the relevant sentence. However, try not to guess; getting an answer correct by accident will mean your final results inaccurately represent your current Polish level. Instead, select the “I don’t know” option.
After answering the 10 questions below, you can choose to end the test and get your score by clicking “Get My Test Results.” Alternatively, click “Continue with 10 more questions” and another set will appear. By answering more questions, up to a maximum of 70, we can provide you with a more precise final assessment.
Whether you complete all 70 questions or fewer, click “Get My Test Results” when you are ready to end the test. Your results will appear on your screen immediately.
Proficiency Rating
Once the test is complete, you will receive your final score, which we use to designate one of our Polish proficiency ratings. Each gives an approximate description of your current comprehension, as well as the average number of hours of study (either one-to-one or in small groups) to reach the level.
Completing our Polish Level test is about more than just satisfying your curiosity to know your current language ability. These results can be useful in several ways to improve your learning and confidence:
- We have carefully researched our language proficiencies to reflect the skill levels of official accreditation programs. For example, a Pre-Intermediate Language Trainer level is comparable to a Low/Middle Intermediate ACTFL* level. Therefore, your results here can give you an idea of how you might do, should you decide to take an officially recognized test. To understand our proficiency levels in more detail, and how they compare to formal certificate programs, click here.
- Our results include questions you answer incorrectly (or where you select “I don’t know”). Do not feel disheartened by any wrong answers. Instead, use these results to understand where your Polish comprehension needs further study.
- We encourage you to share your results with your language tutor, assuming you have one. For instance, Language Trainers’ professional tutors will use these results to tailor your future studies. This will ensure you develop your Polish language skills efficiently.