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Case Studies: Teachers>

Teacher photo

Rose Marie

Age: 45
Language Taught: English
Years of teaching experience: 12+

Language Trainers is a global business that works with clients from all over. Working with the company was a chance to work with a range of students of all backgrounds, cultures, and levels of ability.

Good morning, Rose! Thank you for accepting our invite to this interview. It’s a pleasure to share your teaching experience and insights with our clients. Please can you begin by telling us what language you teach and why you chose a career in teaching in the first place?

Hello, it’s a pleasure to talk with you today. I teach English as a second language, and I was attracted to a career in teaching because my background made me feel I had a lot to give this profession.

And what is your background, exactly? Perhaps you might tell us something about your teaching qualifications and history?

Of course! I’m a linguistics graduate, and I know a great deal about the cultural and psychological aspects of learning a language. I have been teaching for almost twelve years now.

That’s some phenomenal experience! I imagine you would have few problems find a teaching job anywhere. So, what attracted you decide to work with Language Trainers?

Language Trainers is a global business that works with clients from all over. Working with the company was a chance to work with a range of students of all backgrounds, cultures, and levels of ability.

And what is your favorite thing about working with Language Trainers?

I think it is having the opportunity to meet and teach a variety of students from different cultures.

It’s pleasing to know we have helped you meet students of different cultures and backgrounds. I imagine that makes your classes even more interesting and varied. But what else do you look for in a student?

A willingness to work on their own account, and to mix as much as they can with native English speakers.

Definitely! A desire to work hard and practice are certainly the fastest way to learn a new language. And what should students expect from you as their teacher?

First, a high degree of professionalism. Next, an in-depth understanding of their problems, and a willingness and ability to work through them.

That’s great to hear! Between your flexible approach and the hard work of our clients, I imagine you have had some great moments with your students. Can you describe your most memorable teaching experience with Language Trainers?

Oh, yes! It was when I was teaching a very intelligent and lively lady from Lithuania. Unfortunately, she had little opportunity to mix with native speakers, or get out and about, because she was at home looking after her granddaughter. But she was very quick to learn, nonetheless, and a pleasure to teach.

That’s nice! While we encourage our clients to practice their language skills with native speakers, it’s not always easy to do so. It’s nice to know you could adapt to this and still help her. Is this one of the reasons you would recommend students to enroll in a language course with Language Trainers?

Absolutely! And because they can expect well-organized, efficient courses, and competent teachers.

Thank you for your time, Rose! To finish, can you tell us a fun fact about the English language or a favorite expression you ask your students to learn?

I like to teach my students the expression, “it’s raining cats and dogs” (it’s raining very heavily), when I teach them about idioms. Most of them think it is very funny!

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