
French Classes with Native French Tutors

Globally regarded as the language of love, French may be the most romantic language – and France, the most romantic country – in the world. But this language’s influence isn’t limited to just one country: the language spreads throughout Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, and Canada. As one of the romance languages, French has much in common with Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian. It is the sixth most spoken language in the world, with 220 million speakers, and it is predicted that that number will more than double in the next 35 years.

Becoming bilingual is a long-term investment that brings about endless benefits that go from travelling all around the world with ease to getting a promotion at work. And these benefits are even better if you decide to study French, which is spoken by more than 270 million people around the world. Expand your social circle, discover more than 40 UNESCO sites in France, look for a new job at a French-speaking company and visit many other countries with French as an official language such as Canada, Cameroon or Seychelles.

Moreover, learning French as an English speaker is not as hard as you may think. These 2 languages are similar when considering vocabulary and intonation patterns. Of course, some other linguistic structures differ widely, such as pronouns or verb tenses, but they are not difficult to acquire if you have patience and motivation (and a professional tutor to help you every step of the way). So, if you are looking to become fluent in French fast and easily, take a look at the following guide where we have compiled the best resources and tips on how to learn French today.

1. Why Learn French Today

There are many reasons why learning French today is a brilliant idea. From communicating with family abroad to broadening your professional horizons, you won’t regret your decision! Explore below some reasons why learning French is the perfect choice for you.

To Boost Your Career

While learning French is, of course, essential for careers like interpretation, language teaching, or translation, being fluent in this fascinating language will give your CV a boost regardless of the field you are working in. For example, did you know that the total trade in goods and services between the UK and France amounted to £65.9 billion in 2020? This makes France the UK’s 5th largest trading partner, which means being fluent in French can open countless business opportunities. Plus, many companies like Givenchy or Renault have subsidiaries in the UK who value fluency in French when hiring new talent.

To Communicate With Family Abroad

The Eurobarometer Report 2020 shows that around 25 million people living in France are fluent in English. This means that, if you have family in France, chances are you can communicate using English.

But even if they do, speaking their native language will help you connect with your French family on a whole new level. Plus, acquiring French will be taken as a sign of goodwill and respect, which is great if you want to impress your in-laws, for example.

Learn French With our Native Tutors

To Pursue Higher Education

Learning French to a fluent level will also open up study opportunities abroad, at world-class institutions such as La Sorbonne or ESSEC, which are ranked among the best universities in Europe and in the world. Moreover, learners with a high level of French are eligible for scholarships to enrol in graduate and postgraduate courses in France. Being a student in France has a great number of benefits, such as working part-time, being able to apply for housing subsidy and pay low monthly rent and accessing free public transportation.

Take into account that, to be accepted in one of these establishments, you’ll need to prepare for the French language test for entrance. If you need help to get ready for this important examination and improve your skills, you can always contact us. One of our expert native teachers will prepare a personalised programme just for you!

To Travel Around the World

Learning a different language is also an amazing manner of opening up to new cultures and enjoy your trips on a whole new level. France, with over 40 Unesco World Heritage sites, is one of the most-visited places in the world and receives over 85 million tourists a year. Learn French and discover these landmarks without any type of language restriction!

Château in the Loire Valley

Mont Saint Michel

Avenue des Champs- Élysées in Paris

Lavender Fields in Provence

The French Riviera

Additionally, fluency in French will give you access to many other French-speaking countries, such as:








And many others! Marvel yourself at the beauty of Grote Markt, in Belgium, enjoy the spectacular beaches in Madagascar, or explore the Old Quarter in Luxembourg City and never worry again about not understanding what locals are saying!

Just for the Fun of It!

And many others! Marvel yourself at the beauty of Grote Markt, in Belgium, enjoy the spectacular beaches in Madagascar, or explore the Old Quarter in Luxembourg City and never worry again about not understanding what locals are saying!

  • Difficult pronunciation. French and English pronunciation are worlds apart and things become even more complicated when you take a look at the differences between written and spoken French. But don’t be spooked: French has a lot of fixed and consistent rules that dictate when an ending is silent or how to pronounce a certain combination of vowels. You just need to sit down and study them!

  • Accents and diacritics. You’ll also have to sort the minefield of accents and diacritics when learning French spelling. Some examples are the grave and acute accents, the cedilla, and the circumflex accent. While these can be nightmarish to acquire at first, soon you’ll realize they are very helpful when learning pronunciation.

  • False cognates. French and English have had a long-standing relationship since the 11th century, so you’ll find that many terms are exactly the same in both languages. However, there are many more that seem to be similar but are not. Confidence in French means a secret while librarie means bookshop. Focus on these words when learning vocabulary to avoid confusing or even embarrassing situations!

”I would highly recommend Language Trainers to anyone wanting to learn another language. They are extremely professional and have lived up to everything they promised. I am especially satisfied with my instructor. She is a native French speaker, very knowledgeable, and a pleasure to work with. I look forward to my lesson each week.”

Cathy Tamraz - French course in New York

2. How to Learn French

Now that you are convinced to start learning French today, you need to choose whether you want to learn with an expert tutor or if you can manage to do it alone. In case you are a beginner and don’t know where to start or if you are an advanced learner who needs to polish certain aspects of your competence, choosing a native tutor is your best choice. Let’s take a look at some other benefits of studying French with a teacher.

  • Feel confident and motivated. Your teacher will help you overcome your weakest points in French while pointing at your strengths, using materials that spark your interest and help you advance without effort.

  • Stay focused during your lessons. Today, distractions are endless. From the TV to your smartphone, concentrating on learning a language can feel impossible. But you can avoid this by hiring an expert tutor who will help you stay focused at least during the time of your class.

  • No more unanswered questions. Are you tired of reading about two-part conjugations and different verb moods and not understanding anything? Take a lesson with a native teacher and this will be a thing of the past, as they are trained to answer even the most complex questions in a simple manner.

  • Speak like a native in no time. There’s no better way to improve your speaking skills than by practising a lot, but how can you manage to do it alone? Overcome this problem by taking individual or group lessons and interact with native and non-native speakers to take your speaking ability to the next level.

3. Should You Take Group or Individual Lessons?

Wondering whether studying alone or with fellow students is the best option? Well, both of them are similar because you’ll be guided by an expert teacher to reach fluency in the most engaging manner. But these two ways of learning suit different requirements and you should take them into account before starting. Explore the main benefits and drawbacks of group and individual French lessons below!

Individual lessons Group lessons
Type of Interaction Just 2 people More varied conversation
Personalised Instruction & Feedback Complete Partial
Control over the schedule Complete Partial
Learn from peers No Yes
Intercultural exchange Depends on the teacher Yes
Cost More expensive More affordable
Real-life communication Not always More likely
Contact us to get started with French!

4. Learn French for Free

If you have decided that taking lessons is too much for you at the moment, luckily you have the option to learn French for free using an array of online resources. They are so varied you can choose the ones you need to advance your skills and, of course, the resources you like the most. Here we have compiled the top resources and apps so you can learn French for free today!

Improve your listening skills

Books and easy reads

Le Petit Prince
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Le Voyage de Babar
by Jean de Brunhoff.

Les Fourmis
by Bernard Werber.

Madame Bovary
by Gustave Flaubert.

La Peste
by Albert Camus

Vingt Mille Lieues Sous Les Mers
by Jules Verne

Language Tests

  • Take our FREE French level test and get to know your language level today! You don’t need to pay anything. As soon as you finish, you’ll get the results on screen and via email, so you can show them to your teacher or just be aware of how much you know about French (and how much you need to improve!).

  • Internationally accredited exams are tools used by employers or higher-education institutions to measure your competence in French in the most reliable way possible. Would you like to know more about them? Have a look at our article where we explore the big 5 French language tests you can take today!

5. How to Improve Your French Accent

Sounding natural when speaking in a foreign language is one of the most challenging aspects of becoming fluent in French. You may know a lot of vocabulary, verb conjugations and grammar rules but then you may go to a café, ask for a coffee and nobody understands what you are saying. While this is extremely frustrating, there’s a solution! Take a look at our tips and soon you’ll sound not only intelligible but also completely fluent when speaking in French.

1. Always train with audio

This may seem obvious, but when learning vocabulary, try to acquire written words together with their pronunciation. Written and spoken French are like 2 different languages so, if you never listen to how new words are produced, you won’t be able to use them in conversation later. Pronunciation dictionaries like Forvo can be of great help when you come across a new term but you have no idea how it is pronounced. Learning the basics of the International Phonetic Alphabet is also useful.

L’alphabet phonétique international pour le français

2. Select the most suitable dialect for your needs

As you know already, French is spoken in many parts of the world and all of these dialects are different (although intelligible). It’s not the same to learn French from France as French from Canada or from Switzerland. So, if you plan to move to Paris in the near future, the best would be to pick resources that feature French from France and try to model after their accent. Record and listen to yourself to understand how you speak!

3. Exaggerate! Nobody is listening

Mimicking a foreign accent can sound funny and even ridiculous. But don’t let this stop you! Nobody will be listening but yourself so don’t be shy and exaggerate your French sounds until you sound as accurate as you want.

More resources to improve your French accent:

5 tips to take your French accent to the next level.


5 resources to improve your speaking skills from home.

Improve your accent with our native tutors

6. Great Tips to Learn French Vocabulary

Memorising new vocabulary items and phrases can be one of the most difficult parts of learning a new language. Just repeating endless lists of words is boring and monotonous, which means that, at some point, you may just stop trying. The good news is that you don’t have to reach this point. There are dozens of techniques and approaches that can help you learn French in the most effective and engaging way possible. Let’s take a look at some of them!

1. Make the Most of What You Already Know

Many words in French share the same root, which makes it easier to acquire terms in the same family if you know one of them already. For example, “écrire” means to write while “écrivain” is a writer and “l’écrire is the act of writing. If you use flashcards to acquire all these terms together, you’ll be increasing your French vocabulary exponentially and their meanings will stick more clearly in your memory.

2. Know Your Cognates

Ever since the Norman Conquest of the 11th century, English and French have been closely related. This relationship gave rise to a great number of cognates, that is, words that are very similar in spelling and/or pronunciation and meaning, too.

Some examples include:







But be careful with false cognates! Chair doesn’t mean an object to sit on but human flesh and excité is entirely different from being excited. Find more information in our article about false cognates and how to avoid them!

3. Use Apps

Supporting your language lessons in any way you can is always a clever idea. Even if you only have a few spare minutes to dedicate to studying French, there are many options you can use, even for free! For example, apps like Duolingo or Drops have bite-sized lessons for beginner and intermediate-level students to learn and practise new vocabulary in the most engaging way. Using Quizlet’s readily made flashcard decks to test your memory is also another great option.

4. Try out Different Techniques

Maybe using flashcards or apps is not your thing, and that’s OK. There are dozens of ways you can try out to learn French vocabulary, such as memorising lists of words, coming up with mnemonics, learning phrases instead of isolated words, making associations to your native language and more!

Start Your French Language Journey Today

7. Why Learn French Culture

Imagine you are moving to Paris soon and would like to meet new people and make friends. But, though you’ve learned French grammar, vocabulary and certain skills on your own, you realise you know nothing about the French people. What do they like? What type of food do they usually eat? How do you address someone you don’t know (and not offend them)? Are there any topics they would consider offensive if you mentioned them?

No matter how many formal aspects of the language you know, soon you’ll realise that culture is also crucial for successful communication. Here are some articles you can read to learn more about these essential traditions:

What are you waiting for to start enjoying all the benefits of being bilingual in French? Contact us today and start acquiring French in the most engaging manner with professional, native-speaking instructors. Soon, you’ll be communicating with native and non-native French speakers all over the world.